All Quality Towing Yards are Closed Monday, November 11th, 2024 in observance of Veterans Day.
Our Towing & Roadside Assistance services will remain operational.
Our Towing & Roadside Assistance services will remain operational.
Vehicle Search
Property Release Information
If your vehicle was impounded due to an accident, a police impound, or parked improperly, we will gladly help you recover your belongings as quickly as possible. As always, there is a little paperwork involved.
Take note of the information you will need when recovering personal property from your vehicle:
1. Proof of Ownership
- Current Registration
- Vehicle title with your name printed on it
2. Photo Identification
- US Drivers License
- US Passport
3. Company Vehicles – Must have the following (Also provide a valid photo ID and registration)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Hold Harmless
- Notarized letter by a company officer stating who will be retrieving property from the vehicle (required only if an company employee will be retrieving the property from the vehicle.)
Note: A notarized letter is required for anyone is who is not the registered owner of the vehicle. We do not accepts copies or emailed notary documents. If the original documents are not available at the time of release, our lot staff will advise you to return with the original documents.
Vehicle Release Information
If your vehicle was impounded due to an accident, impounded by the police, or parked improperly, we will gladly help you recover your car as quickly as possible. As always, there is a little paperwork involved.
Take note of the information you will need when recovering your vehicle:
1. Proof of Ownership
- Current Registration Card/Paper
2. Photo Identification
- US Drivers License (Must be valid and presented to drive your vehicle off of the impound lot)
- US Passport
3. Police Release Form
- Needed for vehicles with a police hold
- Needed for vehicles in which were impounded for the following: Expired Registration, Driver Unlicensed, Suspended License, Speed Contest, Hit & Run and Evidence Holding.
4. Valid Insurance
- Needed if the vehicle will be driven off the impound lot.
5. Company Vehicles
- Valid Photo ID
- Valid Registration
- Hold Harmless
- Articles of Incorporation
- Notarized letter by a company officer (must be listed in the Articles of incorporation) stating who will be releasing the vehicle (required only if a company employee will be releasing the vehicle.)
6. DUI Impounds
- Valid US Driver License
- Second Person with a Valid US Driver License
- Current Insurance
- Current Registration
7. Payment Methods Accepted
- Cash
- Credit / Debit Cards
For all questions and inquires, please call our office at 619.460.2444.